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Tag - schooling
Quotes Tagged With :schooling
John Geddes
...some nights I'd sneak out and listen to the radio in my Dad's old Chevy - children need solitude -....
Robert D. Putnam
Schools themselves aren't creating the opportunity gap: the gap is already large by the time children....
Ruth Beechick
Everyone thinks it goes smoothly in everyone else’s house, and theirs is the only place that has problems.....
Agatha Christie
I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school nowadays and have things arranged for them that....
Ogwo David Emenike
Education is for freedom - freedom from mental slavery.
Kytka Hilmar-Jezek
The primary difference I see is that unschooling is an invitation to awaken and ennoble capabilities....
John Holt
For many years I have been asking myself why intelligent children act unintelligently at school. The....
Kamand Kojouri
Do not give them a candle to light the way, teach them how to make fire instead. That is the meaning....
Ron Rash
We had some good times at school. I didn't know how good those times was till I left, but I guess that's....
Ka Chinery
Cause and effect is the basis of my education, leading me to an essence far more profound than any rule....
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