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Tag - seashell
Quotes Tagged With :seashell
Cecil Day-Lewis
In June we picked the clover,And sea-shells in July:There was no silence at the door,No word from the....
Anthony Doerr
The grotto itself comprises its own slick universe, and inside this universe spin countless galaxies:....
Pat Conroy
This [sand-dollar hunting] had become one of our rituals together, and though she would search for other....
Adriana Trigiani
As a matter of habit, I stop and pick up seashells that interest me, and I always put the ones I really....
Cisneros Sandra
And the sea trickling out of my eye as if I'd always carried it inside me, like a seashell waiting to....
Nicholas Sparks
More than anything, he wanted to return to the house with the same look of peace that he'd seen on Pastor....
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