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Tag - selflessness
Quotes Tagged With :selflessness
Sunday Adelaja
Your calling is concealed in you and has to be discovered by you alone
Becky Allen
You said it was a sacrifice. Coming from me, it's a gift.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Making oneself large involves intentionally making oneself small.
Hyman George Rickover
Act as if you are going to live for ever and cast your plans way ahead. You must feel responsible without....
Sunday Adelaja
Don’t just save yourself alone, also bring salvation the people around you
Janny Wurts
Loyalty," he stated, ineffably gentle. "A quality honoured by sages and fools, by which humankind finds....
Diana Jaber
When you meet a person as good-hearted as a child, don't ever be selfish, just give them your best and....
Ann Patchett
I think that she is everything I have ever loved about our religion distilled down to fit into one person,....
Sunday Adelaja
The key to an effective life is that things done for self don’t count
Stephen Kendrick
Nobody knows you as well as our spouse. And that means no one will be quicker to recognize a change when....
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