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Tag - seminar
Quotes Tagged With :seminar
Darrell Calkins
Freedom and responsibility themselves are at stake. One does not find freedom or enact responsibility....
Darrell Calkins
A balanced diet” is not so much about protein/fat/carbohydrate ratios. The real ratios to consider,....
Darrell Calkins
Transformation, on the other hand, is creating beauty from horror or destruction (or, for beginners,....
Israelmore Ayivor
Just preaching "you are blessed" to a congregation is like giving them a big fertile land. They need....
Darrell Calkins
We have been trained to feel shame and guilt basically as a means to cause fear and hesitation, to control....
Darrell Calkins
The composite of what you know to do—that which compels you, that which you are naturally already drawn....
Darrell Calkins
The typical image of a depressed, lazy and tired person is someone hunched over and inert. Often, the....
Darrell Calkins
The purest definition of “religious” is: relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged....
Darrell Calkins
…one lives and analyses data within a frame, unaware that the solution is most often just outside of....
Nadia Bolz-Weber
From my father I heard only these words: "But you were born for such a day as this." He closed the book....
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