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Tag - sensationalism
Quotes Tagged With :sensationalism
Alain de Botton
But the answer isn't just to intimidate people into consuming more 'serious' news; it is to push so-called....
Ivan Eland
Naturally, people — especially in America — live in the moment and, given the “crisis” orientation....
John Irving
Don't forget this, too: Rumors aren't interested in the unsensational story; rumors don't care what's....
Criss Jami
You maintain hope for humanity as an infinite skeptic of gossip and slander. In all mankind's desires....
Rebecca McNutt
Newspapers take peoples’ tragedies and force the world to experience all of it.
Aimee Bender
I give boring people something to discuss over corn.
G.K. Chesterton
Of real sensational journalism, as it exists in France, in Ireland, and in America, we have no trace....
Criss Jami
In a society where dirt sells, for every good story told as it is, you will hear the whole of that day's....
Robert Anton Wilson
In almost all other professions a man must be able to observe carefully and report accurately what he....
Michael Salter
In her book claiming that allegations of ritualistic abuse are mostly confabulations, La Fontaine’s....
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