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Tag - sentimentality
Quotes Tagged With :sentimentality
Richard Hofstadter
If mind is seen not as a threat but as a guide to emotion, if intellect is seen neither as a guarantee....
Janet Fitch
The cake had a trick candle that wouldn't go out, so I didn't get my wish. Which was just that it would....
Milan Kundera
Damn! What did Ansermet, that most faithful friend, know about Stravinsky's poverty of heart? What did....
Gabrielle Hamilton
I was firmly in the out-of-sight-out-of-mind camp, and had cogent, unflinchingly honest declarations....
David Foster Wallace
I think the main function of contemporary irony is to protect thespeaker from being interpreted as naive....
Thomas Kinkade
High culture is paranoid about sentiment, but human beings are intensely sentimental. And if art doesn’t....
Todd M. Brenneman
Sentimentality was used because other political avenues were closed, and authors hoped that through it....
Will Christopher Baer
...men are much softer than women, more sentimental. They cry at the movies and pretend not to. The male....
Todd M. Brenneman
In intertwining sentimentality, healing, narcissism, and authority, modern evangelicals give authority....
Christopher Hitchens
Normally, anything done in the name of 'the kids' strikes me as either slightly sentimental or faintly....
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