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Tag - sixteen
Quotes Tagged With :sixteen
Raymond Duncan
The best substitute for experience is being sixteen.
Julian Barnes
Cut privet still smells of sour apples, as it did when I was sixteen; but this is a rare, lingering exception.....
Taylor Rhodes
I drank from the crisp mountain stream, tasting filtered sky with a mossy undertone. I’ve never understood....
Taylor Rhodes
We screamed this primeval scream built on a base of freedom, raised from beauty of a dying breed, and....
Taylor Rhodes
I’ve never been with a boy who hasn’t seen me naked. It’s always the squeaky futon, bear-it-all,....
Taylor Rhodes
I'm nineteen tree rings and mashed acorns stop up my veins when I can't clot. Oh god, you beautiful person,....
Taylor Rhodes
This city is yawning before me, but I'm not tired.
Samuel Richardson
From sixteen to twenty, all women, kept in humor by their hopes and by their attractions, appear to be....
Billy Marshall Stoneking
My dear woman, our greatest problem is that almost everything is a goddamned code. We do not know what....
Taylor Rhodes
Wrap him up in floral wallpaper, wishing the envelopes I seal were his lips, leaving hickeys like stamps....
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