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Tag - slate
Quotes Tagged With :slate
Vera Nazarian
One of the strangest things is the act of creation.You are faced with a blank slate—a page, a canvas,....
Faith Erin Hicks
You have two things of value: your monastery and your people. Translate the book for me, and I'll let....
Patrick Rothfuss
What is a whore?"Unsurprisingly, that hadn't been one of the words we had shared over the last span of....
Jeffrey Tayler
I’ve often wondered how the term “'New Atheism”' gained such currency. It is a misnomer. There....
Mary Norris
You cannot legislate language. Prohibition never worked, right? Not for booze and not for sex and not....
Ted Dekker
Living is about clucking your tongue and enjoying the sound.~Slater
Sunday Adelaja
Light means knowledge in the Greek language it can also be translated as illumination, knowledge, insight,....
Yukio Mishima
Thus in a single phrase I can define the great illusion concerning 'love' in this world. It is the effort....
John Ajvide Lindqvist
A broom that was almost never used was leaned up against the wall. He took it and started to sweep. Dust....
Suzy Kassem
One word absent from a sentence, or misinterpreted incorrectly, can change the entire meaning of a sentence.....
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