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Tag - sniff
Quotes Tagged With :sniff
Tove Jansson
The star we're looking for isn't so very friendly," said Moomintroll. "Quite the contrary, in fact.""What....
Harper Lee
The gum looked fresh. I sniffed it and it smelled all right. I licked it and waited for a while. When....
Tove Jansson
Not one adventure in a whole day," said Sniff, who was taking his turn at steering now the current was....
Tove Jansson
Sniff looked at them and noticed that they were much smaller than he was, so he felt kinder and said,....
Tove Jansson
Damp veils of mist swirled around them. They were dreadfully cold (Moomintroll thought longingly of his....
Tove Jansson
Are you too frightened to go any farther?" asked the silk-monkey, who found all this very easy, having....
Tove Jansson
Where's your home, then?" asked the Snork Maiden."Nowhere" said Snufkin a little sadly, "or everywhere.....
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