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Tag - soe
Quotes Tagged With :soe
Clare Mulley
She could do anything with dynamite, except eat it.
Amit Chaudhuri
The gutters in the lane overflowed with an odd, languid grace. Water filled the lane; rose from ankle-deep....
Clare Mulley
Christine did not live, or love, as most people do. She lived boundlessly, as generous as she could be....
Jonathan Franzen
The problem with making a virtual world of oneself is akin to the problem with projecting ourselves onto....
Gift Gugu Mona
Remember that whatsoever you desire, God is the most dependable provider.
Christine Granville
May be you find out I could be useful getting people out of camps and prisons in Germany - just before....
Baruch Spinoza
Whatsoever is, is in God, and without God nothing can be, or be conceived.
Christina Engela
Before We BeginIs Your Bug A nice clean original car that looks almost like itleft the showroom yesterday?P.S.....
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