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Tag - soldiers
Quotes Tagged With :soldiers
Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head.
Steven Ramirez
We are born. We die. Somewhere in between we live. And how we live is up to us. That’s it.
Cat Winters
Cigarettes are called coffin nails for a reason, Billy Boy," I remembered telling him. "Be careful with....
Jim Frederick
Fuck it,” said Private First Class Chris Barnes, raising his hand. “Let’s do it. This sounds like....
James S.A. Corey
Every now and then a green dot shifted to yellow. A soldier down, their armored suits detecting the injuries....
Steven Ramirez
She played me with a bad hand, and I fell for it every time.
Clint Van Winkle
War becomes a part of you. It is a feeling just as much as an experience. If you can’t feel it, you....
Magus Guidan
For no matter how many battles had been won or lost, no matter how many friends and soldiers killed,....
Guy Sajer
Only victors have stories to tell,we the vanquished were then thought ofas cowards and weaklings whose....
J. Ligon Duncan III
Admiral Nelson won the great Battle of Trafalgar against the French during the Napoleonic Wars. The Viscount....
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