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Tag - solipsism
Quotes Tagged With :solipsism
Ludwig Wittgenstein
A picture held us captive. And we could not get outside it, for it lay in our language and language seemed....
Shirley Jackson
Poor things, she thought - do they have to spend all this energy just to surround me? It seemed pitiful....
Ludwig Wittgenstein
I am my world.
Philip K. Dick
Maybe each human being lives in a unique world, a private world different from those inhabited and experienced....
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Hell isn't other people. Hell is yourself.
Anita B. Sulser PhD
All religious and spiritual practices lead to one deep realisation: We Are One. All is One.
David Foster Wallace
Weight Watchers holds as a descriptive axiom the transparently true fact that for each of us the universe....
Kedar Joshi
The worst mockery God can make of a moralist is that He compels him to be asolipsist.
For if any man thinks that he is alone is wise--that in speech, or in mind, he hath no peer--such a soul,....
Alberto Caeiro
And since today’s all there is for now, that’s everything.Who knows if I’ll be dead the day after....
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