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Tag - songwriting
Quotes Tagged With :songwriting
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Music is energy, emotion, expression, escapism, enlightenment. Music is so much more than just entertainment.....
David Byrne
Music written by teams makes the authorship of a piece indistinct. Could it be that when hearing a song....
Criss Jami
When there's music in your soul, there's soul in your music.
Nick Hornby
Of course Tucker Crowe was in pain when he made [the record], but he couldn't just march into a recording....
Carole Bayer Sager
I’ve always thought the best songs come though us not from us…. They gave me life, they gave me an....
Criss Jami
I'm a peasantI'm the muzhikA pest you're destined to play the musicAnd yes it's pleasant to say it's....
Criss Jami
I enjoy poetry where I can talk as bizarre as I please, but theology or philosophy, I always respect....
Pat Pattison
I hereby grant you permission to write crap. The more the better. Remember, crap makes the best fertilizer.....
Criss Jami
Songwriting and poetry are so commonly birthed from underdogs because one can make even the ugliest situations....
Jon Skovron
I tried to look at writing a song almost like solving a mystery. The song was there, buried somewhere....
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