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Tag - speak
Quotes Tagged With :speak
This is slavery, not to speak one's thought.
Sorin Suciu
He spoke in a trembling voice that didn’t seem to be entirely in sync with the movement of his lips.....
Susan C. Young
In her book, Ask Outrageously! my friend Linda Swindling suggests to “Mimic the body language of the....
Susan C. Young
The difference between a positive attitude and a negative attitude can be measured by its level of energy,....
Susan C. Young
It is hard to earn the respect of others when you do not respect yourself. Others may find it difficult....
Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Change begins with you. It only takes a moment to make a difference in the lives of others.
Susan C. Young
When you want something badly enough, it does not matter whether it is going to be easy. The passion....
Raheel Farooq
The intelligent talk and the wise listen.
Susan C. Young
Charisma (presence, poise, magnetism) and charm (enchantment, attraction, fascination) are behaviors....
Tove Jansson
But when people understand one another without speaking, it can often leave them with very little to....
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