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Tag - spectrum
Quotes Tagged With :spectrum
Irene Wendy Wode
Is autism a disease?If a woman asked me right now, “but wouldn’t you rather be cured?” I’d reply,....
A.J. Darkholme
Our destinations are Booleans – we reach them or we don’t – but our journeys are spectrums, because....
Tony Attwood
On occasions the person may appear ill-mannered; for example, one young man with Asperger's Syndrome....
Toba Beta
When the first "let there be light" spoken, the entire electromagnetic spectrum is emitted.
Tina J. Richardson
I am now a faded image of my former being,I let that persona go.I like myself for who I am and I choose....
Steven Magee
Dark Energy is poorly understood and it is clear that we are currently moving into exploring thecomplete....
Roger James Hamilton
Unlearn your knowledge about what WAS working to understand what is working NOW
Nadège Richards
Life can be seen through several spectrums of light, but it’s the person who is doing the soul searching....
Shannon L. Alder
Mental illness is not something you misunderstand in this era. Get educated because bias is no different....
E.J. Plows
If you can still wipe your own backside then life's not that bad!
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