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Tag - splendour
Quotes Tagged With :splendour
Julie Garwood
You take my heart with you, my loving captor." "Nay, Madelyne. I am your captive in body and soul.
Franz Kafka
It is entirely conceivable that life's splendour forever lies in wait about each one of us in all its....
Angela Carter
Outside the window, there slides past that unimaginable and deserted vastness where night is coming on,....
Julie Garwood
You're taller than I am, but I'm stronger, and meaner right this minute than you could ever imagine"....
Julie Garwood
Madelyne, we're married now. 'Tis a usual occurrence to bed one's wife on the wedding night.
Julie Garwood
I've just vowed my love for you. Have you nothing to say in return?" Duncan asked."Thank you, husband.....
Julie Garwood
I am ever a gentle maiden," she shouted. "Damn if I'm not.
Julie Garwood
If you get yourself killed, I'll find your grave and spit on it," she threatened.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't say, "the sky is my limit", say, "I progress ad infinitum.
Scott Hastie
Where once there was a void,Now at least there are Seeds of splendour,Becalmed belief for another time.....
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