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Tag - sporting
Quotes Tagged With :sporting
Rasheed Ogunlaru
When you feel that others are lacking and failing ....first assess the skill, style, quality, results,....
Christina Engela
Apparently some rustlers had been swiping red-horned wildebeest from farms in the San Fedora area and....
Miya Yamanouchi
Has anyone ever noticed that when ethnic Australians excel in sport they are heralded "Aussies"; but....
Michael Jordan
To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest....
Cindy Spencer Pape
Damn, her voice was awfully sexy for being a tree. Coop wasn’t sure he was comfortable with that thought.....
Cindy Spencer Pape
Her body was designed for pleasure, not speed, and Coop intended to take his time with it.
Cindy Spencer Pape
Don’t even think about it, Fido.
James C. Dobson
31. The human body seems indestructible when we are young. However, it is incredibly fragile and must....
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