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Tag - spy
Quotes Tagged With :spy
Monet Polny
Great job, you just executed Ben Franklin! - Otto Ray
Laura Gentile
Their raspy kisses brand our jam tart necks, their treacherous miasma clasps our herbal thighs. Motherlessly....
Philip Kerr
Believe me, I know a lot about harm's way. It turns sharp left off the road to Shitsville when you're....
Tom Clancy
Cheating was a concept both foreign and integral to the fighting of wars.
Michel Houellebecq
I maintained a tactical silence. When you maintain a tactical silence and look people right in the eye,....
Lynn Blackmar
Being a spy was something like standing on the south shore fending off a hurricane with a $2 poncho and....
Grace Fiorre
You were spying on me?" I repeated, this time my tone was stern."Nonsense! I was making sure you were....
Daniel Silva
Vicary had decided he wanted to contribute. He wanted to do something instead of watching the world through....
Cole Alpaugh
Shit, man, if you see a dog scratching at the dirt trying to dig something up, walk away real fast,”....
E.A. Bucchianeri
You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else’s mail is a felony but....
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