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Tag - steadfast
Quotes Tagged With :steadfast
T.K. Naliaka
The wolves of the world have no pity for the confused, the scattered, the lost or the weak.
Stephen King
It's a hard life if you don't weaken.
Terry A. O'Neal
Everyone will not favor you or respect your beliefs, passion and purpose--so be it. But do not allow....
Victor Hugo
Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.
Ellen J. Barrier
Your true friend is the one who will never walk away in your time of need.Regardless of the situation,....
Imam Ahmad
If you want Allah to be persistent in granting you the thing you love, then be persistent in doing the....
Bring Down The WallsI will bring down the wallsthat surround me today.I will no longer be kept quietMeek....
Cormac McCarthy
Long before morning I knew that what I was seeking to discover was a thing I'd always known. That all....
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
It takes courage with true humility and steadfastness to win confidence and admiration
Norhafsah Hamid
Islam is simple, but being a Muslim in a modern world is not. Everyday is a battle that each of us have....
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