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Tag - stewart
Quotes Tagged With :stewart
Chris Smith
LIZZ WINSTEAD Instead of Jon playing a character—the news anchor, one of the derelicts in a derelict....
Stewart Home
Live now, die later!
A.F. Stewart
Shine and shimmer my Harvest Moon,illuminate the shadows in the sky.
Alexandra Bracken
You gotta stand up and walk, Gem,” he said quietly, turning his back on them. “You have to walk out....
Chris Smith
If comedy is tragedy plus time, I need more fucking time. But I would really settle for less fucking....
Mary Stewart
...kissing me with a violence that was terrifying and yet, somehow, the summit of all my tenderest dreams.....
Alexandra Bracken
You gotta stand up and walk, Gem,” he said quietly, turning his back on them. “You have to walk out....
Gene Sharp
As Charles Stewart Parnell called out during the Irish rent strike campaign in 1879 and 1880:It is no....
Alexandra Bracken
—I don't want to lose you—Then why are you the one that keeps letting go?
A.F. Stewart
As they walked, it seemed almost every building had some similar contrivance as decoration, adorning....
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