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Tag - stupidity
Quotes Tagged With :stupidity
Napoléon Bonaparte
In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.
Alan LeMay
Why is it a man can never seem to buckle down and train himself to indolence and stupidity when he can....
Yasmina Khadra
Of course, I’m aware of the animosities destroying brain cells on both sides, and I know all about....
Iain Pears
Caius was one of those who gloried in his ignorance, called his lack of letters purity, scorned any subtlety....
Susan Mallery
you're Shane, right?'He inched away from her and managed a quick nod as he twisted the rag he held in....
Milan Kundera
Of course, even before Flaubert, people knew stupidity existed, but they understood it somewhat differently:....
Jane Austen
If this man had not twelve thousand a year, he would be a very stupid fellow.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Some people in orthodox churches in Africa take poverty as a path that leads to heaven, making christianity....
Marcel Proust
...pretention is very close to stupidity and that simplicity has a less visible but still gratifying....
Jacques Yves Cousteau
No sooner does man discover intelligence than he tries to involve it in his own stupidity.
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