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Tag - subculture
Quotes Tagged With :subculture
Barry Webster
Lo, each subculture has its own language, and verily I am not a parody. You don’t believe me? Get with....
Michelle Tea
She didn’t know that my heart was a sandstorm waiting to open her skin in a desert of cuts. She didn’t....
Karla Perry
We cannot take on anger toward these professors. They are ensnared in a faulty worldview…Let us not....
Rémy de Gourmont
To acquire the full consciousness of self is to know oneself so different from others that no longer....
Ruadhán J. McElroy
As I’ve said before, “the Mod generation”, contrary to popular belief, was not born in even 1958,....
Anthony Bourdain
I'm asked a lot what the best thing about cooking for a living is. And it's this: to be a part of a subculture.....
Varg Vikernes
Joining a sub-culture, any sub-culture, for whatever reason, is as I see it never a legitimate self-expression.....
William S. Burroughs
A room full of fags gives me the horrors. They jerk around like puppets on invisible strings, galvanized....
Peter J. Carroll
Ideas about a person's place in society, his role, lifestyle, and ego qualities will lose their hold....
James S. Bielo
As they seek authenticity, Emerging Evangelicals seek freedom - from loneliness, convention, unwanted....
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