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Tag - sudden
Quotes Tagged With :sudden
Daniele Lanzarotta
To some of those girls, school will be the highlight of their lives. People like you…people who are....
J.D. Salinger
I felt so damn happy all of a sudden, the way old Phoebe kept going around and around. I was damn near....
J. Aleksandr Wootton
Grief is always sudden as winter, no matter how long the autumn.
Oche Otorkpa
The sudden surge of hormones at teenage age will continue to play an important part in the life of young....
Richie Norton
It all starts with a tiny, stupid idea, then one thing leads to another, and suddenly, you find something....
Alexander Zalan
If we estimate people's responsibility according to the time when they were left exceptionally on their....
Sunday Adelaja
It is almost an unbearable pain, to suddenly recognize the value of what you had being ignorant of which....
Marisha Pessl
How scary and sudden the shift from Living to Dead.
Wendelin Van Draanen
All of a sudden I didn't fit in anywhere. Not at school, not at home...and every time I turned around,....
Bernard Cornwell
I remember laughing at that moment, and I remember my son frowning at me in puzzlement. What I remember....
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