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Tag - superheroines
Quotes Tagged With :superheroines
Mav Skye
The old folks say there is only black and white. That may do for their tidy lives, but it doesn’t apply....
Kim Ha Campbell
By connecting your inner child to your internal being, you bring out the hero in you that is inside all....
Linden Morningstar
Mad, in exasperation, cried out to the unseen force, “Why did you summon us? There must be a reason.....
Mav Skye
We were going to save the world, because no one ever saved us.
Linden Morningstar
Remember Ping-fa, Sun Tzu,’ Art of War—read between the lines: kick ass and take names later.”MadStargirl....
Linden Morningstar
Lyn, this was the “Aha!” moment when Desta found another astonishing skeleton. Remarkably, it appeared....
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