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Tag - swordsman
Quotes Tagged With :swordsman
Sofia Samatar
All bleed who fight with the sword. All confront, with greater or lesser difficulty, the worship of their....
Rowena Cherry
Wouldn’t you rather play chess, Ma’am?....It’s less destructive of clothes.
Jeanine Henning
Sometimes, reality is the illusion, and the truth only visible where our eyes can’t see.”- Lady Lalaigne....
Katherine McIntyre
He might have perfect form and better swordsmanship, but I had one thing on my side that stacked the....
Criss Jami
I am not sure if women are attracted to genius. Can you imagine the wise wizard winning the woman over....
Eugen Herrigel
This, then, is what counts: a lightning reaction which has no further need of conscious observation.....
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