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Tag - talon
Quotes Tagged With :talon
Julie Kagawa
I leaned back against the headboard and closed my eyes, feeling the inferno flair between us once more.....
Julie Kagawa
Without St. George, that balance would tip. Without the Order, there would be nothing to stop Talon and....
Julie Kagawa
I've been told that there's a point in every soldier's life when he knows he's going to die. You expect....
Sherrilyn Kenyon
She scowled at him until a light appeared in her intelligent eyes, as if she had had an epiphany. "Are....
Julie Kagawa
Riley was... a really good kisser
Christopher Hitchens
Having confronted the world with little except a battered typewriter and a certain resilience, he can....
Julie Kagawa
You can't be completely in love with a dragon and expect anything to be normal.
Julie Kagawa
You have no idea what you really are," the Elder Wyrm went on, "or why you are special to the dragons....
Christopher Gerard
A lot of the names in Talon reference other people or events. For example Amelia, the giant Eagle, was....
Julie Kagawa
Is our life not exciting enough? Or do the lot of you just have some kind of death wish?
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