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Tag - tao
Quotes Tagged With :tao
Lao Tzu
(So), he who displays himself does not shine; he who asserts his own views is not distinguished; he who....
Sheila M. Burke
Dwelling on the past is like dragging a boat over dry land.
Bruce Lee
Memory: Recognizing the value of an alert mind and an alert memory, I will encourage mine to become alert....
Darrell Calkins
Yearning often does not provide a sense of attainment or “peace,” as it is fuel for one’s personal....
Ilchi Lee
Don’t be confined by the self you have experienced, the self you know. Going beyond what you know and....
Chuang-tzu once told a story about two persons who both lost a sheep. One person got very depressed and....
Sheila M. Burke
Taoism is simply the complete acceptance of yourself as you are right in this moment. It's about rolling....
Terry A. O'Neal
Sometimes I find it difficult to determine whether or not I'm merely spinning my wheels or making progress.....
Darrell Calkins
Mastery of anything is, more than anything else, the transformation of work into play. Giving orders....
Ming-Dao Deng
It is too facile to say that the way to follow Tao is to simply go along with the flow of life. Sometimes,....
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