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Tag - taoism
Quotes Tagged With :taoism
We are born from a quiet sleep, and we die to a calm awakening
Darrell Calkins
Recent discoveries in developmental psychology and other behavioral disciplines have shown that babies....
Darrell Calkins
In making a clear distinction between desire (answer) and yearning (question), we inevitably end up back....
Darrell Calkins
The essential war within, and the cause of suffering, begins with the presumption that yearning, impulse....
Darrell Calkins
As we move through time, we age, with the general speed of everything and the chaos that that produces....
A child, obeying his father and mother, goes wherever he is told, east or west, south or north. And the....
Sheila Burke
Life is an all-encompassing art gallery. From the seasons ushering in change to the way a body moves....
Darrell Calkins
Appreciation, affection, focus and intention fill up the space of self-reflection, and one loses oneself....
Darrell Calkins
The sweet spot is a term used by audiophiles and recording engineers to describe the focal point between....
Men all pay homage to what understanding understands, but no one understands enough to rely upon what....
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