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Tag - taran
Quotes Tagged With :taran
David Foster Wallace
I mean, Tarantino is such a SHMUCK 90 percent of the time. But ten percent of the time, I've seen genius....
Bob Dylan
why be bothered with other people's set-ups? it only leads to torture.
Munia Khan
No living thing is ugly in this world. Even a tarantula considers itself beautiful
Lloyd Alexander
I saw myself.... In the time I watched, I saw strength—and frailty. Pride and vanity, courage and fear.....
Jim C. Hines
Some people would say it's a bad idea to bring a fire-spider into a public library. Those people would....
David A. McIntee
When he pursed his lips and dropped a hand into his coat pocket, the last thing Nur expected him to pull....
Lloyd Alexander
I can't make sense out of that girl," he said to the bard, "Can you?" "Never mind," Fflewddur said, "We....
Lloyd Alexander
Surely you can entrust your task to your friends." "No," said Taran, after a long pause, "I have taken....
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