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Tag - teaser
Quotes Tagged With :teaser
Amit Kalantri
Leave some mystery to the world and they will remember you forever.
Dawn Bonney
As she felt his fangs against her neck, she was in another world. There was screaming. A woman was somewhere....
Angel Ramon Medina
You know what all the plutonium can buy me?" "Yeah it'll buy you one hell of a funeral!" Angel says angrily....
Jillian Dodd
She shocks the hell out of me when she asks, "Did you get engaged, Jade? She looks at me seriously. It's....
T.F. Hodge
A flirtatious soul misses the point of intimate trust relations.
Alexandra Bracken
The question stayed with me every day, through every class, through every Op. I felt its teeth tighten....
Veronica Rossi
She found it curious and frightening that she could deeply dislike someone she didn’t even know. It....
A. Violet End
I gotta hand it to ya, Tristan. You may be a world-class fuckup with what you done to Lisa, but you got....
Robin DeJarnett
Mom was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry, Melissa, but can you blame me for worrying? In less than....
M.S. Watson
You’re the girl that I have been wanting. You’re the girl that I could see myself with forever. And....
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