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Tag - tem
Quotes Tagged With :tem
Melissa Cutler
Her gaze slid up the thick muscles of his arm, imagining her hand doing the same, imagining what it would....
Veronica Wolff
And then he winked.Jeez, I thought my heart would explode on the spot. The last time a guy winked at....
Jamie Farrell
One side of his lips quirked up in a sexy smirk. “Got a cure forthat frustration you got going on,”....
Eleanor Herman
Potemkin suffered bitterly from having nothing left to want. For when dreams turn into reality, there....
Jamie Farrell
On my honor, I ain’t ever tasting another woman’s sexualfavors. Even if the bakery offers ’em up....
Billy Graham
We can’t flee from temptation in our own strength—but God will give us the strength we need, if we’ll....
Sol Luckman
The fireworks went on for nearly half an hour, great pulsing strobes, fiery dandelions and starbursts....
Maryam Abdullah Alnaymi
In the educational domain, searching for depth, value, benefit and mark are matters that need to be the....
Eula Biss
One of the shortcomings of our medical system is that doctors have very little time with their patients.....
Michael Grant
The news networks and the local TV stations all led with the same footage. An obviously moved, very pretty....
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