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Tag - temperance
Quotes Tagged With :temperance
St. Ephrem of Syria
Virtues are formed by prayer.Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions....
Reflect that nothing merits admiration except thespirit, the impressiveness of which prevents it from....
Ian Wilson
Quite possibly one of the most revealing passages about Shakespeare as a man comes from one of the roughest....
Alexander Pope
Health consists with temperance alone.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune.
Sunday Adelaja
Discipline is needed in our temperance.
John Neale
Drinking water neither makes a man sick nor in debt nor his wife a widow.
Anthony Trollope
As a general rule, it is highly desirable that ladies should keep their temper: a woman when she storms....
The first draught serveth for health the second for pleasure the third for shame and the fourth for....
Jennifer Tindugan-Adoviso
Of course I contradict myself. Why else would I hold things in and put the fire out?
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