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Tag - tenderness
Quotes Tagged With :tenderness
Charles Dickens
As she stooped over him, her tears fell upon his forehead.The boy stirred, and smiled in his sleep, as....
Frederick William Robertson
We win by tenderness. We conquer by forgiveness.
Muhammad Imran Hasan
SMILE Is Not Just A Word.... It Means A Lot, Love, Trust, Warmth, Tenderness Etc, In Fact It Means WORLD........
Ana Claudia Antunes
Everyone smiles in the same language, Happiness knows no frontiers, no age. No difference thar makes....
Emily Arden
Another tear appeared and then another, trailing silently down her cheeks. This was so much harder than....
Laura Lane
When we see everyone the way God sees them, all their frailties and weaknesses as well as their strengths,we....
Debasish Mridha
Happiness will bloom With fragrance and beautyIf you plant the seeds of loveWith a deep driving desire....
Tahereh Mafi
I peek up at his features, at the crooked grin i want to savor, at the color in his eyes i'd use to paint....
Robyn Donald
Falling in love was easy-when romantic attraction was combined with hungry, unsated desire, they formed....
Sanober Khan
tell meof something fiercer than the love with which i gaze upon youof something softer than the tendernesswith....
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