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Tag - texas
Quotes Tagged With :texas
Carolyn Brown
A man who listened? Had she found the eighth wonder of the world?
Forest Whitaker
It is possible for a kid from east Texas, raised in south central LA and Carson, who believes in his....
Kelly Clarkson
I'm always going to live in Texas. Texas is my home - it'll be my home forever.
Terry Spear
Jack glanced toward the dressing room, not believing that all the time he had been with her, she had....
Mary Lasswell
I am forced to conclude that God made Texas on his day off, for pure entertainment, just to prove that....
Mark O'Connell
I’d begun to think of the Immortality Bus as the Entropy Bus, and of ourselves as trundling across....
Patricia W. Fischer
Sitting up, Jocelyn rolled her head from side to side. “Been better.” “Heard you’re a doctor....
Lorraine Heath
Holding his daughter close with one arm, he pointed toward the distant horizon. "As far as you can see—it....
Trevor P. Wardlaw
Quite often, people inaccurately comment about the villains of the South and the heroes of the North.....
Lori Wilde
'A Tuna Christmas' is the second in a series of plays created by Joe Sears and Jaston Williams featuring....
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