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Tag - thad
Quotes Tagged With :thad
Thaddeus of Vitovnica
We are usually angered when someone insults us, until Divine Grace comes upon us. When we receive Grace,....
Kresley Cole
Face it, Nat, this is one tiger who will never be jumping through your flaming hoop--
Suzanne Weyn
Maybe all the events of the last few months had occured for just one reason - to bring Thad and me together.....
Kresley Cole
I give you a week, maybe two, before you're driven to bite someone.""I don't know how to... to bite or....
Kresley Cole
Kneeling before him, Regin murmured, "Don't let that Fegley worm get to you." Still staring ahead, the....
Kresley Cole
When Thad began nuzzling her neck, pressing his opened lips against her, she smacked him in the back....
Nike Thaddeus
Be persistent, be persistent, they say. But please, do not mistake being a pest for being persistent.....
Nike Thaddeus
Don't settle… The worst thing will be to find the man or woman that truly deserves you after you've....
Richelle E. Goodrich
He gestured at me. “Do you like the blanket?”I nodded. “It’s warm.”“I made it. Well, actually,....
Nike Thaddeus
If you're the only one that can see the genius in you, It's best you revisit the drawing board.
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