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Tag - thief
Quotes Tagged With :thief
Megan Whalen Turner
No friend had I made there, but I wasn't with this group to make friends, and besides, he sneered too....
Jessica Khoury
You clumsy wench—Gods above! Are you trying to rob me, girl?” The nobleman seizes my wrist and yanks....
Criss Jami
A thief is one who insists on sharing his victimhood.
Will Advise
I flow like a butter in the nailed pan I stole. I also kept the nail, to polish and use as a means of....
Elizabeth Hoyt
She smiled as she poured tea into his cup. “I hope you find your rooms comfortable?”“Quite.”....
Clive Barker
We're both thieves, Harvey Swick. I take time. You take lives. But in the end we're the same: both Thieves....
Markus Zusak
How could she ever know that someone would pick her story up and carry it with him everywhere?
Jean Genet
Though they may not always be handsome men doomed to evil posses the manly virtues.
Elizabeth Wein
That is a terrifically intimate thing, you know? Letting a stranger light your cigarette. Leaning forward....
Elizabeth Wein
I ken who you are! You're Strathfearn's granddaughter. Julie Stuart, is it? Och, aye, Lady Julia! Well....
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