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Tag - thirties
Quotes Tagged With :thirties
Michelle M. Pillow
When people get into their 30s plus "boyfriend" sounds weird...if you really think about it. Instead,....
Helen Fielding
As women glide from their twenties to thirties, Shazzer argues, the balance of power subtly shifts. Even....
Tennessee Williams
To begin with, I turn back time. I reverse it to that quaint period, the thirties, when the huge middle....
F. Scott Fitzgerald
It is in the twenties that the actual momentum of life begins to slacken, and it is a simple soul indeed....
Indeewara Jayawardane
i am happy that to have or not to have a "leffe" is not the need of the hour in my mid thirthies. A liittle....
Patricia Schartle
My first impression of [Patricia Highsmith] was a loneliness, a sadness in one so young (we were both....
Steven Magee
For many people, a western lifestyle equates to living in a toxic home, working a toxic job, eating toxic....
Steven Magee
By the end of my thirties I was a mental and physical wreck!
Rose Macaulay
We may say that all ages are dangerous to all people, in this dangerous life we live. But the thirties....
Helen Fielding
Tom has a theory that homosexuals and single women in their thirties have natural bonding: both being....
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