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Tag - thom
Quotes Tagged With :thom
Dean Koontz
These days, all I ask Fate is that the people she hurls into my life, whether they are evil or good,....
Alexander Zalan
Personally I know only one person who wrote about utopia. Afterwards he was executed. I suppose it's....
Eleanore Stump
Philosophically literate anthropomorphism is exactly what one would expect of any worldview which affirms....
Dean Koontz
Be you and only you, which means be you and all the people you have loved...
Ged Thompson ~Poet
Life writes the poetry, but it will always call for witnesses and scribes alike to tattoo its echoes....
Patricia Briggs
He stepped back with exaggerated courtesy. But when I walked past him, he swatted my rump. Hard enough....
Clara Diane Thompson
Light, show yourself pure and strong,Save a man from evil's throng,Take a form, small and white,Give....
Thomas Jefferson
If you serve humanity, you serve humanity's God.
Jim Butcher
I swear to you, by my own stunning good looks and towering ego, that I am not lying to you.
Melina Marchetta
Does it help?” he asks. “The e-mailing.”She nods. “A tiny bit. It’s strange. You’re writing....
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