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Tag - tied
Quotes Tagged With :tied
Jazz Feylynn
Twist a tongue, and tongue a twist how many twists can a tongue twister twist around the twisting tongue.....
Jeffrey Fry
I am pushed by those who believe in me, but motivated by those who don't.
Marilyn Van Derbur
All emotions, even those that are suppressed and unexpressed, have physical effects. Unexpressed emotions....
Dixie Waters
A kiss is just a kiss, were words not expressed by a man tied naked to a tree.
Anthony Liccione
Love will commit, or love will commit suicide.
James C. Dobson
The dominant philosophy in today’s public university is called relativism, which categorically denies....
Jazz Feylynn
Twist a tongue, and tongue a twist how many twists can a tongue twister twist around their twisting tongue.....
Deyth Banger
So you tied the dead to alive person and now...YOu have just prepared the alive to be the 5 victim!
Cristelle Comby
I’ve always believed that, as long as we’re left alone to do what we’re good at, and be who we’ve....
Chainschains that hold me to the groundchains that keep me solidly boundchains that tether my heart to....
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