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Tag - togetherness
Quotes Tagged With :togetherness
John Green
You could hold me and I could hold you. And it would be so peaceful. Completely peaceful. Like the feeling....
Ben Marcus
Together we were something less, which felt like such a relief, to not be ourselves for a while.
Nancy Holmes
Thanks to Karen Connelly who read earlier versions of this manuscript and to Ronald Hatch my editor and....
Johnnie Dent Jr.
Whoever is present in your spring would more than likely have respected your winter.
Giovanna Fletcher
It's funny to think that Christmas — a time known for its joyful togetherness — can be the loneliest....
Ahmed Mostafa
Sometimes I wake up wanting to tell you to leave everything you claim to hold dear behind and be with....
Pawan Painjane
We make love with soul, not body
Kamand Kojouri
We seek the fire of the spark that is already within us.
Jean-Bertrand Aristide
If one suffers we all suffer. Togetherness is strength. Courage.
Corey Ann Haydu
We are LornaCruzCharlotteDelilahIsla and we aren’t afraid of love, even if we’re supposed to be.
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