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Tag - toleration
Quotes Tagged With :toleration
Scottish proverb
Live and let live.
Abhijit Naskar
A religious individual may most gloriously carry out his or her own rituals, as a part of his or her....
Abhijit Naskar
Harmony is not a luxury, it is an existential necessity of the species. And to achieve it, if a hundred....
Victor Hugo
Toleration is the best religion.
Abhijit Naskar
Accepting evil is worse than committing evil. You must – I repeat – you must, as a human being, stand....
Abhijit Naskar
Scriptures are meant to serve humanity, not humanity to serve scriptures.
Abhijit Naskar
Terrorism has nothing to do with religion, Islam or otherwise. Terrorism is born of fundamentalism not....
Abhijit Naskar
The black, the white, the brown, the red, the yellow, the hetero, the homo, the trans, the poor, the....
Abhijit Naskar
You must remember, the so-called Jihadis who are in reality, mentally unstable individuals run by Quranic....
Abhijit Naskar
To the representatives of theoretical Islam, i.e. Islamic fundamentalists, the Jews, the Christians,....
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