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Tag - tomb
Quotes Tagged With :tomb
Jazz Feylynn
Tongue and hand tied, I was equally cut off and trapped in my own silent dark tomb.
Mary Doria Russell
Wyatt Earp had been born, and born again, and now there would be a third life, for the iron fist that....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Easter says that every ending ever experienced by man is exquisitely crafted to find its own ending at....
Shannon L. Alder
Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Easter is the invulnerable tale of utter selflessness where at an inestimable cost God did for us what....
Israelmore Ayivor
Some people die and you realize that the only mark they left on earth are the tomb stones under which....
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The sorrow that lay cold in her mother's heart... converted it into a tomb.
John Milton
And so sepĂșlchred in such pomp dost lie,That kings for such a tomb would wish to die.
Alexander the Great
A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.]
H.P. Lovecraft
But of these things I must not now speak. I will tell only of the lone tomb in the darkest of the hillside....
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