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Tag - tourism
Quotes Tagged With :tourism
Gustave Flaubert
It is always sad to leave a place to which one knows one will never return. Such are the melancolies....
Wayne Chirisa
Travelling unveils new dimensions of this world not known to the naked eye.
Mark Twain
Tout les jours you are coming some fresh game or other on me, mais vous ne pouvez pas play this savon....
Douglas Adams
When we told our guide that we didn't want to go to all the tourist places he took us instead to the....
S. Kelley Harrell
A racist notion found in neoshamanic circles is placing high value on indigenous wisdom but not on indigenous....
Indeewara Jayawardane
Terrorism & tourism rhyme with each other. Yet they don't go well alongside despite some similiarities....
Mike Bond
These steel monstrosities screamed night and day, blotted out the starlit skies and Northern Lights with....
Buzz Aldrin
Space tourism is a logical outgrowth of the adventure tourist market.
H.S. Rissam
LOVE is the most incendiary element ever known, once it sparks the heart, the flame is inextinguishable.....
Robert Runcie
In the middle ages people were tourists because of their religion, whereas now they are tourists because....
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