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Tag - trans
Quotes Tagged With :trans
Sachin Kundalkar
That you should not be here when something we've both wanted happens is no new thing for me. Today too,....
Victoria Lorient-Faibish
Finding your "self-culture" is hero's work. I liken it to the journey of a warrior who is preparing for....
T. Scott McLeod
Hatred never ceases with hatred, but with love alone is healed.
Christopher Barzak
Transformation is something that obsesses me. What is the soul? Is there a difference between something....
Susan Faludi
At a crucial point in my early twenties, being able to end a pregnancy had restored to me what I regarded....
Kobayashi Issa
Never forget:we walk on hell,gazing at flowers.
Simon Reynolds
Time wounds all wholes. To exist in Time is to suffer through an endless exile, a successive severing....
Stephenie Meyer
It takes a few days for the transformation to be complete, depending on how much venom is in the bloodstream,....
Kristin Hannah
It felt as if she were bleeding - but it wasn't blood that leaked out of her, not something that could....
Steven Magee
The blatant harassment of electromagnetic radiation researchers should be expected to be a feature of....
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