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Tag - trans
Quotes Tagged With :trans
Kilroy J. Oldster
No one wants to occupy a black hole of sadness and despair or slip on the tight rope that separates sanity....
Alaric Hutchinson
There is no excuse good enough to ever be out of alignment with love. You’re going to get hurt, and....
Suzy Kassem
Nothing truly dies. All energy simply transforms.
Christina Engela
They set about making people so unhappy and isolated and when they crawl into a hole and pull it in after....
Farley Maglaya
Life in illusion is in a transient belief on insight without perspective
Darrell Calkins
The composite of what you know to do—that which compels you, that which you are naturally already drawn....
Loretta Ellsworth
That cake tasted good. But the cake in the garbage tasted better. It was the best cake I ever ate.
Kamand Kojouri
How is it that there was never youuntil there wasand then all was you?
Simon Bradley
Conversations were struck up between strangers, regular diners as well as infrequent customers, as if....
Debasish Mridha
Resentment is the little fire that can transform and destroy the world by becoming a wildfire.
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