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Tag - traumatized
Quotes Tagged With :traumatized
James A. Chu
Unspeakable feelings need to find expression in words. However... verbalization of very intense feelings....
Adah Sachs
In this paper I propose the existence of two distinct presentations of DID, a Stable and an Active one.....
Suzanne Collins
One of Coin's men lays a hand on my arm. Its not an aggressive move, really, but after the arena's I....
A.C. Grayling
It is always a mistake to underestimate how long it takes for mankind to understand the traumas it has....
Sandra Lee Dennis
Blame is a Defense Against PowerlessnessBetrayal trauma changes you. You have endured a life-altering....
Nicole Waller
Yolanda Gampel utilizes an expanded concept of the "uncanny" to outline the results of violence: Those....
Rachel Lloyd
In 1973, Jan Erik Olsson walked into a small bank in Stockholm, Sweden, brandishing a gun, wounding a....
Peter A. Levine
So, what role does memory play in the understanding and treatment of trauma? There is a form of implicit....
Susan Pease Banitt
Traumatic events, by definition, overwhelm our ability to cope. When the mind becomes flooded with emotion,....
Judith Lewis Herman
After a traumatic experience, the human system of self-preservation seems to go onto permanent alert,....
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