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Quotes Tagged With :tweet
Saurabh Sharma
Fools live life; intellectuals only think thoughts arising from borrowed knowledge.That is why fools....
Laura Bates
Tired of cold callers asking to speak to the 'man in the house', now I put them on to my 6-year old son.......
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Thou shalt not tweet to be retweeted.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Thou shalt not unfollow someone, merely because they stopped following you.
David Chiles
Ignore errors in updates because you never know the context in real life, mobile or otherwise. NetworkEtiquette.net....
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Thou shalt not follow someone, merely because they are following you.
Piero Scaruffi
The cure to eliminate fake news is that people stop reading 140-character tweets and start reading 600-page....
Anthony T. Hincks
I may not be beautiful,I may not be tall,I may have no legs,And be hairy and all.I may not be rich,With....
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Thou shalt not use the 140 characters limit as an excuse for bad grammar and/or incorrect spelling.
David Chiles
It's good netiquette to avoid information that offends or challenge errors when confronted. NetworkEtiquette.net....
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