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Tag - ufos
Quotes Tagged With :ufos
Carl Sagan
Even if the aliens are short, dour, and sexually obsessed—if they’re here, I want to know about them.....
Coriander Woodruff
It amazes me how people can close their minds off to the size of the Universe. With billions of stars,....
Mark Crutchfield
For the New Age community, 'ancient' knowledge is always considered unimpeachable and unimprovable, just....
Michael E Emmering
We need to give an informative set of criteria for the best explanation. It is very difficult to do so.....
Terence McKenna
Reality is, you know, the tip of an iceberg of irrationality that we've managed to drag ourselves up....
Michael E. Emmering
Life on earth is considered a miracle, but why is other life in the cosmos a difficult concept?
Terence McKenna
I guess I should say a little bit about my method - I really am a fence sitter. I *loathe* Science and....
Daniel P. Douglas
Blacker than the night, the wedge penetrated the darkness. An F 117 raced by, the roar from its engines....
C.G. Jung
I myself recently dreamed that a UFO came speeding towards me which turned out to be the lens of a magic....
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