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Tag - unified
Quotes Tagged With :unified
Suzy Kassem
The universe contains many planets which make it what it is – a unified system. In addition, our bodies....
Amit Ray
Life is a manifestation of the unified field of consciousness. Colors, beauty, pleasure and pain are....
Suzy Kassem
People nowadays talk about the world's problems like they're reading lines off a teleprompter. They recite....
Chainschains that hold me to the groundchains that keep me solidly boundchains that tether my heart to....
Will Advise
All Authors come from the unified countrynent known as Australia. Authors live in the future where love....
Jennifer Sodini
There is no "I", there's only "we". Meaning all you can touch, and all that you see is a part of you,....
Elizabeth George
Each Christian comes from a different background, upbringing, lineage, and environment. But in Christ....
Michael Brett Turner
Occam's Razor is a term plagiarized by the fact it is not easy to find its source and meaning. My attempts....
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