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Tag - universal
Quotes Tagged With :universal
Aporva Kala
She liked the idea of a place belonging to the cows, no ownership of human ego.
John D. Zizioulas
Culture cannot be a monolithically universal phenomenon without some kind of demonic imposition of one....
Jennifer O'Neill
The Universe and Spirit do not understand limitations...PEOPLE invented limitations!
Chris DiSano Davenport
With all control look for the hole, your mind gets weak, unless it’s truth you seek. Swirled and twirled....
Ahmed Mostafa
Change is the only universal law.
Criss Jami
Oftentimes in reality, the genius is in the position of the antihero. Neither the good guys nor the bad....
Serge Benhayon
If everything is energy, which it is - then everything is because of energy.
Christopher Bollen
That’s what children eventually were for their aging parents: custodians of technology, free personal....
G.K. Chesterton
The vulgar modern argument used against religion, and lately against common decency, would be absolutely....
Suzy Kassem
BLACK AND WHITEI was born intoA religion of Light,But with so many otherReligions andPhilosophies,How....
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