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Tag - unloved
Quotes Tagged With :unloved
Ranata Suzuki
I've never been the most important person to anybody - not even myself.
V.C. Andrews
All right, Chris, you've given me a breather. I'm prepared foranything.And thank you for saying all of....
Jason S. Hornsby
I’m haunted. We all are, I guess. We’re parentless, friendless, unloved, abandoned. The spirits of....
Lauren DeStefano
There's a world out there that nobody has bothered to promise her.
Maurice Maeterlinck
It is sad to love and be unloved, but sadder still to be unable to love.
V.C. Andrews
And thank you for saying all of that, and for loving me, for you haven't gone unloved, or unadmired,....
Sanhita Baruah
Those were the three words seldom asked to her.Yet, she knew they hold a healing power in them; For they....
Anton Chekhov
Nadya Zelenin and her mother had returned from a performance of Eugene Onegin at the theatre. Going into....
Anthony Liccione
Her complexity is a glorious fire that consumes, while her simplicity goes unapproachable. But if one....
Carizza Bright
I said that " I love you ", and there's no responce from you.It's like i am eating a dark chocolate,too....
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